VLAN support in rcNG [PATCH]

Brooks Davis brooks at one-eyed-alien.net
Sat Apr 17 17:41:07 PDT 2004

On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 08:00:58PM -0400, Adam C. Migus wrote:
> Quoting Brooks Davis <brooks at one-eyed-alien.net>:
> > On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 04:25:06PM -0400, Adam C. Migus wrote:
> > > The following is a patch that adds support for vlan creation and
> > > destruction within rcNG.  Using the patch it's possible, for
> > example,
> > > to create a vlan, `vlan0' with the following directives in
> > rc.conf:
> > > 
> > > vlan_interfaces="vlan0"
> > > ifconfig_vlan0="DHCP"
> > > ifconfig_vlan0_vlan_dev="xl0"
> > > ifconfig_vlan0_vlan_tag="2"
> > > 
> > > Is this patch of general interest?  Should I submit a PR?
> > 
> > If it wasn't for the patch I'm working on, I'd answer yes. 
> > Howerver,
> > I've got a patch that I need to submit for review and then commit
> > that
> > will let you do this is a one shot with the clone code.  It works by
> > doing a major overhaul of the device cloning support so you can
> > create
> > interfaces of the form <etherif>.<vlantag> and get an vlan interface
> > with the appropriate parent and tag.  Using your example that would
> > mean
> > you the follwing in your /etc/rc.conf:
> > 
> > cloned_interfaces="xl0.2"
> Brooks,
> Sounds great but when's it going to appear?  Is it soon enough to negate
> the worth of this as an interim solution?

Almostly certaintly.  It's done, it works.  I just need to deal with one
minor cleanup patch and post it to -net for review.  It would be
commited within three weeks.

> Also, while on this topic I have a nit-pick.  This convention,
> "<interface>.<tag>" is pervasive but despite that, there's a lot of
> software that chokes on it.  I've seen some shell-based firewall
> builders for example that don't like it.
> Does your overhaul patch support naming vlan interfaces "vlan<tag>" if
> the user desires it?  If not would it be hard to do?  I've patched my
> RH Linux based machines locally to do "vlan<tag>" for the
> aforementioned reason.

You can name any interface anything you want today subject to these

	- No other interface has the name.
	- The lenght of the name (minus the NUL terminator) is between 1
	  and 15 characters.

-- Brooks

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