Some KDE 3.2 oddities

Michael Nottebrock michaelnottebrock at
Sat Apr 17 11:28:29 PDT 2004

Peter Weiss, Sun Microsystems, Germany wrote:
> Hello,
> I've installed latest kde-3.2.1 from the ports collection, 2 things that
> I cannot explain:
> o kde3-i18n-de is missing in ports/misc/.

It's in ports/german/kde3-i18n.

> o When using kdm login manager the $PATH settings in /etc/login.conf are
>   ignored (I had to setup PATH manually using /etc/profile).  This used to
>   work in 3.1.4 times.

This is working for me in -STABLE. Are you sure you ran cap_mkdb 
/etc/login.conf after you edited the path in there?

    ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | lofi at
  (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
    \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |
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