'xl0' broken

Matthias Schuendehuette msch at snafu.de
Mon Apr 12 12:42:16 PDT 2004


with my last kernel

"FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #0: Mon Apr 12 18:29:46 CEST 2004"

I get the following messages:

Apr 12 21:17:02 current kernel: xl0: Lazy allocation of 0x1 bytes rid 
0x14 type 3 at 0xf0000000
Apr 12 21:17:02 current kernel: xl0: reset didn't complete
Apr 12 21:17:02 current kernel: xl0: command never completed!
Apr 12 21:17:02 current kernel: xl0: command never completed!
Apr 12 21:17:02 current kernel: xl0: eeprom failed to come ready
Apr 12 21:17:02 current kernel: xl0: failed to read station address
Apr 12 21:17:02 current kernel: device_probe_and_attach: xl0 attach 
returned 6

With my old kernel
"FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #0: Sat Apr  3 11:58:20 CEST 2004"
everyting was OK...
Ciao/BSD - Matthias

Matthias Schuendehuette	<msch [at] snafu.de>, Berlin (Germany)
PGP-Key at <pgp.mit.edu> and <wwwkeys.de.pgp.net> ID: 0xDDFB0A5F

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