What does 'lock order reversal' mean?

Jon Noack noackjr at alumni.rice.edu
Sat Apr 10 11:32:32 PDT 2004

On 4/10/2004 1:21 PM, Brian F. Feldman wrote:
> Jon Noack <noackjr at alumni.rice.edu> wrote:
>> <snip>
>> I'll put up a webpage of false-positives if someone will commit a
>> change in the LOR warning to point to it (or something similar to
>> this): "lock order reversal: please see http://example.com for
>> status before reporting"
>> I still think it would be best if this page were on the FreeBSD
>> website, but I'll host it if necessary.
> Let's make it happen.  If either you want to host it or have me put
> it in http://people.freebsd.org/~green/ for now, that will be
> easiest.  Actually putting it somewhere in the whole "FreeBSD web
> site" infrastructure means finding someone from the doc committers
> who knows more about it than I would.
> It would be better just to have a bug database that could handle this
> sort of task, maybe one day....

OK -- I'll ask doc@ for advice.  Once I have a page ready I'll let you 
know so you can commit the change to the lock order reversal warning.


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