Valgrind for FreeBSD

Joe Halpin j.p.h at
Fri Apr 9 16:04:40 PDT 2004

Doug Rabson wrote:
> On Friday 09 April 2004 20:13, Joe Halpin wrote:
>>Doug Rabson wrote:

>>>Sorry - I should have been clearer. Install the devel/subversion
>>>port and try the 'svn co svn:/....' command again.
>>Thanks, I've got the source now, but when I try to run it I get
> I remember having this problem. I think this is down to having an old 
> version of perl. You need at least perl-5.6.x to be installed.

Hmm, I installed perl 5.8.3, after which valgrind built and installed 
successfully. However, since then other stuff isn't working any more.

I'm working with the CuRL project, doing daily builds on FreeBSD-STABLE. 
Until this point it's gone very well, but now the daily build tanks 
without even starting the tests.

I'm not the most knowledgeable guy about FreeBSD, so I'm wondering if 
installing more than one version of perl will cause a problem? I 
installed 5.8 in /usr/local/bin, and left the default version in 
/usr/bin. When the curl build failed the first time I renamed 
/usr/local/bin/perl so it couldn't be found and tried again, but still 
it fails.

I guess I could reload the box from scratch and start over, but I'd like 
to understand what I'm doing wrong.



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