Future of FreeBSD

David Schwartz davids at webmaster.com
Fri Apr 9 10:16:32 PDT 2004

> Admittadly the Matt issue was a PR debacle.  We should have started up
> front why we felt Matt should leave the project; instead, it trickled out
> later.  As I said, though, PR hasn't been a FreeBSD strong point, and we
> certainly learned from that lesson.  Part of the reason for it not being
> handled well is that, to be honest, is that most people leave the
> committer team on fairly good terms, so we don't have a whole lot of
> experience with people leaving on less good terms.

	One thing I've learned from experience  is that if you fault project
leaders for being bad politicians, at best you'll get new leaders who are
better politicians. You might want to think long and hard about whether this
is good or bad.


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