ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe and ICH5R support

Doug Poland doug at
Fri Apr 9 07:22:39 PDT 2004

On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 05:07:47PM +0300, Evren Yurtesen wrote:
> Jeff Doolittle wrote:
> >I've seen eMails regarding ICH5R support on other motherboards being 
> >added, is there plans to add support for the ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe?
> >>
> I think that I have that board in my proxy server and I am using sata 
> drives with ICH5...
> What is the problem with this board? I didnt have any problems at all 
> else than a minor glitch. I am able to use my sata drives with 
> hyperthreading etc. turned on, without any trouble at all...
> Evren
Are you running a RAID0 or RAID1 configuration on the ICH5R?  I belive
the OP was inquiring specifically about RAID support.


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