lock order reversal and swap problems

Jon Noack noackjr at alumni.rice.edu
Fri Apr 9 04:26:35 PDT 2004

(bugs@ and hardware@ removed)

Please read the following before posting again (including the 
appropriate list-specific sections):

On 4/7/2004 11:25 AM, Artem Koutchine wrote:
> This evening, before going hove i decided to load-test the new server.
> I remind the server is:
> dual xeon 2.66, 2GB ECC ram, supermicro x5dpeg2 mb,
> 3ware 8506-4LP sata radi controller, 4 sata seagate disks,
> eveyrthing is install in a RAID5 array.
> I run:
> 3 bonnies in a loop,
> 4 byteneches in a loop,
> 6 my own perl scripts to test the memory. Each allocated about 256MB
> ran, fill it with somethingm then free and do it over and over again.
> After 3 minutes of running i saw this:
> Apr  7 20:16:34 new kernel: lock order reversal
> Apr  7 20:16:34 new kernel: 1st 0xc79446b4 vm object (vm object) @
> /usr/src/sys/vm/swap_pager.c:1313
> Apr  7 20:16:35 new kernel: 2nd 0xc08b9e00 swap_pager swhash (swap_pager
> swhash) @ /usr/src/sys/vm/swap_pager.c:1803
> Apr  7 20:16:35 new kernel: 3rd 0xc7898294 vm object (vm object) @
> /usr/src/sys/vm/uma_core.c:886

It's harmless.  This is answered in more detail in a response to your 
second post on this topic.

> and then hundreds and thousands:
> Apr  7 20:20:29 new kernel: swap_pager_getswapspace(16): failed
> Apr  7 20:20:32 new last message repeated 44 times
> while  actually there were 500MB of swap space left.
> What is going on?

I don't know about this.

Jon Noack

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