HTT & SMP kernel

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Mon Apr 5 03:07:21 PDT 2004

Here are my measurements regarding the usefulness of FreeBSD 5.2.1 SMP 
support with HTTP machines (bytebench 3.1):

** SMP kernel, SMP activated
TEST                                    BASELINE     RESULT      INDEX

Arithmetic Test (type = double)           2541.7   771818.7      303.7
Dhrystone 2 without register variables   22366.3  4752705.6      212.5
Execl Throughput Test                       16.5      971.9       58.9
File Copy  (30 seconds)                    179.0    48236.0      269.5
Pipe-based Context Switching Test         1318.5    72264.1       54.8
Shell scripts (8 concurrent)                 4.0      380.6       95.2
      SUM of  6 items                                             994.5
      AVERAGE                                                     165.7

** SMP kernel, SMP disabled (kern.smp.disabled=1 in loader.conf)
TEST                                    BASELINE     RESULT      INDEX

Arithmetic Test (type = double)           2541.7   770832.5      303.3
Dhrystone 2 without register variables   22366.3  4722643.0      211.1
Execl Throughput Test                       16.5      976.0       59.2
File Copy  (30 seconds)                    179.0    48385.0      270.3
Pipe-based Context Switching Test         1318.5    86409.7       65.5
Shell scripts (8 concurrent)                 4.0      440.3      110.1
      SUM of  6 items                                            1019.5
      AVERAGE                                                     169.9

** UP kernel
TEST                                    BASELINE     RESULT      INDEX

Arithmetic Test (type = double)           2541.7   770802.1      303.3
Dhrystone 2 without register variables   22366.3  4831707.7      216.0
Execl Throughput Test                       16.5     1406.9       85.3
File Copy  (30 seconds)                    179.0    48395.0      270.4
Pipe-based Context Switching Test         1318.5   117582.0       89.2
Shell scripts (8 concurrent)                 4.0      547.6      136.9
      SUM of  6 items                                            1101.0
      AVERAGE                                                     183.5

It seems that, currently, performance will suffer on anything making use of 
concurrency (multiple processes, etc.)

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    - Arthur C Anticlarke

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