nss_ldap broken

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at fillmore-labs.com
Thu Apr 1 07:13:19 PST 2004

Jacques A. Vidrine wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 04:04:42PM +0200, Oliver Eikemeier wrote:
>>Daniel Eischen wrote:
>>>On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Oliver Eikemeier wrote:
>>>>- it should be documented somewhere (bsd.port.mk gives you only 
>>As far as I understand the problem, every application that doesn't link to
>>pthreads, but uses a library that does crashes on -CURRENT. Am I right
> No.  Problems only occur if run-time loading/unloading via
> dlopen/dlclose is used, and then only if a lock or other thread
> library data structure might be held ``across'' the load or unload.
> So I think it is a rare, but troublesome, condition.

It hit apache 1.3.29 + php4 too (PR 64932), which should be a pretty
common combination. Before my change slapd + Berkeley DB where

> When you changed the way OpenLDAP was linked, this condition occurred
> within libc due to dynamic loading of nss_ldap.  So, lots of people's
> working systems suddenly starting crashing after upgrading.

I'm sorry about that. Slapd was crashing, which is somewhat important
for the OpenLDAP port. This seemed like the proper fix to me, see the
recent thread `fix for libpthread' on -current. At least it fixed slapd :P

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