ATAng - copying atapi CD

Martin nakal at
Tue Sep 2 22:48:41 PDT 2003

Am Di, 2003-09-02 um 18.56 schrieb Bryan Liesner:
> dd then gets slower and slower until it seems to grind to a halt.

I have this problems everywhere (not only ATAng), if I'm trying to 
read some of my really old CD-Rs. You should know that they are aging.

Check the surface of the CD-R (the surface is actually the label!).
On few CD-Rs which have been in my car the label begins to break
in the outter areas. This can have several reasons:
- too much UV light (sun)
- too high humidity
- and also touching the CD-R on the outter area while holding it

If you notice that your CD-R label looks strange and if you need
the data, you should backup it fast.


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