ifconfig bug

Bruce M Simpson bms at spc.org
Sat Nov 15 19:01:17 PST 2003

On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 11:54:20AM -0800, Lars Eggert wrote:
> shouldn't this work?
> # ifconfig em0 inet netmask \
> 	ether 00:07:e9:0a:26:52
> ifconfig: ether: bad value
> This is with today's -current, but this may have been around longer - I 
> hadn't tried it before today. Using two commands to set MAC and IP 
> addresses works fine, but it needs to be one command for rc.conf.

This issue is already known about and the behaviour you are seeing is in
accordance with how ifconfig should currently behave.

I suggest patching rc scripts until it can be solved the right way round.


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