STEP 2, fixing dhclient behaviour with multiple interfaces

Martin Blapp mb at
Tue Jul 29 16:37:03 PDT 2003

Hi Folks,

I had a closer loom at the OMAPI stuff in dhclient.

Just to say, I'm very disappointed. The only objects that exist are:
"control" and "interface". The later is not inplemented at all.
It pretends to work, but if you look at the source there are
stubs only :P.

"control" does only release leases and exit (state 2), I never managed to make
dhclient sleep (state 3) and wake up (state 2).

It seems that the whole implementation is only a proof of concept
and not very functional at all, at least for the client side, dhcpd
may be different.

I'll think about how we can solve this differently. This
really sucks !


Martin Blapp, <mb at> <mbr at>
ImproWare AG, UNIXSP & ISP, Zurlindenstrasse 29, 4133 Pratteln, CH
Phone: +41 61 826 93 00 Fax: +41 61 826 93 01
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