logitech cordless optical mouse problems...

Evren Yurtesen yurtesen at ispro.net.tr
Wed Dec 31 23:51:00 PST 2003

How do you use the PS/2 converter of the mouse? When I only connect the 
PS/2 converter nothing works. (Unless if I also connect the USB which 
defeats the purpose.)
Whats the model numbers for your mouse and keyboard etc.?

Philip Paeps wrote:

> On 2003-12-30 17:42:20 (+0200), Evren Yurtesen <yurtesen at ispro.net.tr> wrote:
>>This mouse has a USB connection and PS/2 connection to the computer. The
>>keyboard works but the mouse doesnt.
> I'm seeing the same thing.  When I use the PS/2 converter for the mouse, it
> works happily, when I use USB, only the keyboard works.  The ums driver
> attaches, but the mouse isn't moving.
> I've tried two different mice (both with working batteries and known to be
> working under psm), and both behave the same way.  Which leads me to think the
> receiver might be the problem, rather than the mouse?
> When I plug the thing in, ums and ukbd see the receiver first, which may have
> something to do with it?  It also always finds '5 buttons and Z dir' while my
> trackman wheel only has three buttons and Z and my mouseman optical has four
> buttons and Z.
> ums0: Logitech USB Receiver, rev 1.10/13.10, addr 2, iclass 3/1
> ums0: 5 buttons and Z dir.
> ukbd0: Logitech USB Receiver, rev 1.10/13.10, addr 2, iclass 3/1
> kbd1 at ukbd0
>  - Philip

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