5.1-R-p11 unable to "sync disks" when shutting down

David Gilbert dgilbert at dclg.ca
Wed Dec 31 15:47:29 PST 2003

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Kientzle <kientzle at acm.org> writes:

Tim> The first time fsck gets invoked by rcNG, it is given the -F flag
Tim> which, according to fsck(8) does a foreground check on "all the
Tim> file systems that cannot do background checking."

Tim> I think that "system rebooted during a bg fsck" could qualify
Tim> that FS as being unable to do background checking.  What's needed
Tim> is some way for fsck to mark a filesystem as having a bgfsck in
Tim> progress.  Then fsck -F can check for that marker.

Hrm.  Isn't this done?  Isn't there a 'special' snapshot created by
the bgfsck process?  Or does this snapshot evaporate (have no links)?


|David Gilbert, Independent Contractor.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       dave at daveg.ca                    |  equal if and only if they |
|http://daveg.ca                              |   are precisely opposite.  |

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