GEOM oddity with verbose boot

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at
Fri Dec 19 04:31:39 PST 2003

In message <20031219122146.GA3682 at>, Wiktor Niesiobedzki writes:

>Just an observation:
>When I boot in verbose mode I get:
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1, start 32256 length 80026329600 end 80026361855
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1a, start 0 length 1073741824 end 1073741823
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1b, start 1073741824 length 1073741824 end 2147483647
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1c, start 0 length 80026329600 end 80026329599
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1d, start 2147483648 length 21474836480 end 23622320127
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1e, start 23622320128 length 56404009472 end 80026329599
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1da, start 8192 length 80026321408 end 80026329599
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1db, start 1073741824 length 1073741824 end 2147483647
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1dc, start 0 length 80026329600 end 80026329599
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1dd, start 0 length 1073741824 end 1073741823
>GEOM: Configure ad6s1de, start 2147483648 length 21474836480 end 23622320127
>Entries for ad6s1d* are the suspicous one.

You seem to have (most of) a valid BSD label in your ad6s1d parition.

	bsdlabel ad6s1d

I'm pretty sure it finds a label for you. 

>Wheter I boot verbose or not, the listing in /dev is the same:
># ls /dev/ad6*

When you open ad6s1d for writing (by mounting it) the BSDLABEL which
had attached gets spoiled so you don't see the entries in /dev
while it is mounted.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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