[acpi-jp 2913] Re: Compaq Presario 2105US ACPI = NO MOUSE

Georg-W. Koltermann gwk at rahn-koltermann.de
Thu Dec 18 13:55:38 PST 2003

On Do, 2003-12-18 at 20:22, Nate Lawson wrote:
> Please cvsup and try again.  I committed code last nigh that should fix
> this problem.
> -Nate

I think you refer to the following commit:

        njl         2003/12/17 19:25:22 PST
          FreeBSD src repository
          Modified files:
            sys/dev/acpica       acpi.c acpi_pci_link.c acpi_pcib.c 
          Add support for multiple CIDs since _CID can contain a package of values.
          Implement this in acpi_MatchHid() and acpi_isa_get_compatid().  This
          should fix mouse support for some users.

Well this is for -current, and I was going to convert to 5.2-R soon. 
Currently I run 5.1-R (which has a working mouse) in production, and
5.2-RC1 in a test environment.  -current is not really my goal, even if
I could arrange to cvsup for testing purposes tomorrow.

Is there a way I could get that fix on top of 5.2-RC?  Would you
possibly MFC to RELENG_5_2?  I realize it may be difficult as there was
a new import of the Intel ACPI bits after RELENG_5_2_BP.


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