ULE and current.

Jeff Roberson jroberson at chesapeake.net
Sun Dec 7 05:30:20 PST 2003

Now that 5.2 has been branched I will soon be making ULE the default
scheduler in GENERIC.  I'm hoping that before I throw the switch I'll get
more feedback from current users.  The only big change I have in the
pipeline for ULE is improved HTT support.  This has all been coded and
tested locally.  I'm going to commit this after things settle down on HEAD
a little more.

The plan is to leave ULE as the default until we get to 5.3 at which point
we will decide whether or not it is production quality.  The most
untest workload that I know of is on massive multiuser systems with lots
of interactive tasks.  If anyone has such a system, I would love to hear
of feedback while running ULE.  For anyone else, if your workload is
either improved or hindered, I'd appreciate a mail with the a description
of your workload, your hardware, behavior with ULE, and behavior with


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