40% slowdown with dynamic /bin/sh

Daniel C. Sobral dcs at tcoip.com.br
Tue Dec 2 12:06:08 PST 2003

Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> Why didn't you pipe up when this was discussed _long_ ago?
> I don't understand why you can't buildworld with static slash if you feel so 
> strongly about it.

As for that, it was discussed on arch@, not current at . And _I_, 
personally, got the impression the plan was to make dynamic world an 
_option_, not the default.

Now, my machines usually get by themselves, but all *I* do on them is 
sh(1) intensive, so I'll probably be using the static root option when 
it comes time to upgrade them to 5.x.

> If you are deploying FreeBSD on servers you should build your own release 
> anyway (which is hardly an onerous task).

And if you are using FreeBSD on desktop you should use bash or some 
other ports-shell, instead of slowing down _the_ shell for shell 
scripts. But that's IMHO, so I didn't pipe this in until now. But it's 
the very same argument you are making, so I thought you deserved to hear it.

Daniel C. Sobral
Gerência de Operações
Divisão de Comunicação de Dados
Coordenação de Segurança
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904
E-mail:	Daniel.Capo at tco.net.br
	Daniel.Sobral at tcoip.com.br
	dcs at tcoip.com.br

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