AMI building AMI

Rafal Lukawiecki raf at
Mon Jan 1 23:54:06 UTC 2018

> On 1 Jan 2018, at 22:39, Colin Percival <cperciva at> wrote:
> Maybe a dumb question, but do you really need to use a configinit script
> for this?  I know I showed that as an example in my blog post, but I
> expected that the main way the AMI builder would be used would be by
> SSHing in and setting things up "manually".

Automation is attractive but not not a primary goal this time. Being able to kick it off from an EC2 launch template and come back to a finished AMI, makes it more likely I’d have it done the next few times the AMI needs remaking.

I suppose I will need to do it manually the first time to see where the issues are. I will share the feedback with you in case it is useful for a future post.

Many thanks,

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