Chromium Pulseaudio / WebRTC question

Kris Moore kris at
Fri Feb 28 19:56:02 UTC 2014

So, I've been trying to find a video conference solution we can use at
iX, such as, on FreeBSD 10.0/amd64.

The webcam portion is working great with WebRTC, but I can't get the
microphone to be detected on multiple machines. When I build chrome with
PULSEAUDIO, then the microphone is picked up automatically, but now the
playback is broken for both WebRTC and HTML5 audio.

I've tried messing with various pulse settings, but can't seem to hit
upon the right combination that gives me sound again. Is this even
supposed to work?

Bonus Question!

The site I mentioned above also can do screen-sharing with WebRTC, which
chrome looks like it supports. However when I enable it in the chrome
settings it doesn't seem to ever turn on, keeps thinking the setting is
off. Anybody had any luck with screen-sharing elsewhere?

Kris Moore
PC-BSD Software

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