WIP: Wi-fi Geolocation Provider

Evan Martin evan at chromium.org
Thu Dec 6 20:51:11 UTC 2012

(I used to work on Chrome, though not in this area.  Your patch looks right
enough to me.  If you ever sent it upstream they'd want you to match the
surrounding code style, stuff like two-space tabs and variable declarations
where they're used instead of at the top of the functions.)

To diagnose the problem:
Does your DefaultFactoryFunction() implementation ever get called?
Before your patch, what code was running when a page tried to geolocate?
Your patch seems to be missing some minus lines where it removes the
fallback code that was running for FreeBSD before.

In particular, it looks like this file is providing some default empty
implementation that you might need to disable (toggle some ifdefs):
It's not clear to me why your code even compiles with two implementations
of this function, but this Chrome code seems overly tricky for what I'd
naively think it needs to do so maybe there's some good reason.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 9:49 PM, J.R. Oldroyd <fbsd at opal.com> wrote:

> It seems that Google's Geolocation Service lookups done using an
> IPv6 address results in a location that is far, far, far away from
> where you really are, and even lookups using IPv4 addresses are often
> several km off.  Since I am increasingly running into web pages that
> want to "help me better" based on my location, it seems a more
> accurate lookup is needed.
> So... I have knocked together a wifi_data_provider_freebsd.cc that
> gets your list of wi-fi APs so that the geolocation lookup can be
> done using the wi-fi AP information.
> The wi-fi AP code was tested and works as a stand-alone program.
> Now, I am not really a C++ guy and I am far from up-to-speed on
> chromium's object methods and how to hook this in so the browser
> actually finds and uses it.  I could use some help with that.
> I've put what I have so far, and some additional details, here:
>         http://opal.com/jr/freebsd/ports/www/chromium/files/
> Anyone who cares to help integrate this into chromium, feel free to
> grab the files from that page, and figure out what I've missed with
> getting this properly hooked in.  Please email me with any improvements
> you can offer.
>         -jr
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