What's up with the symlinks in the 7.0-RC2 ISO images?

deeptech71 at gmail.com deeptech71 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 05:50:39 PST 2008

Oliver Fromme wrote:
 > Well, someone might want to look at the "doc" CD on Windows
 > (e.g if he's offline and needs to loo at the docs before
 > installing FreeBSD).

Or maybe someone might want to make a FreeBSD-7.0-RC2 DVD,
and a FreeBSD installation is too far away...

 > However:
 >  - The symlinks aren't required to read the docs.  They're
 >    only for convenience.

Symlinks also aren't required for anything else: hard links work fine, 
and are more compatible.

 >  - All the ISO images -- including the doc one -- are built
 >    with MS-Joliet extensions (in addition to RockRidge), so
 >    long file names etc. work fine on Windows, too.

Actually, long file names etc. work fine on Windows without the 
MS-Joliet extensions and with ISO level 2 or 3, but not on DOS though. 
If Windows-readability is a higher priority than DOS-readability 
(definitely!), then lose the symlinks.

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