Menhir -the four-way distro with FBSD - is starting now

Jeremy C. Reed reed at
Wed Jul 18 16:38:05 UTC 2007

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, Gueven Bay wrote:

> To build the knowledge following development projects are started in
> the Menhir project:
> * A document based on "BSD Associate Exam Objectives" will be written
> which guides every user in the use and administration of FreeBSD,
> NetBSD, Slackware and OpenSolaris.

BSD-licensed documentation covering the BSD Certification Group's 
Associate (BSDA) Certification Requirements Document (also known as the 
BSDA Exam Objectives) is available via

You can use that to jump start your effort. (Or please consider joining 
there and adding or improving the existing "bsdwiki book".)

> * The base systems of Slackware, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenSolaris are
> ported to the pkgsrc format. After finishing this project everyone
> will be able to install the operating systems with their userland
> using the pkgsrc tools.

This sounds interesting. I did the same thing with my own "pkglinux" 
distribution a few years ago and ran it for a couple years. I had pkgsrc 
packages for Linux kernels, glibc, and all essential Linux components -- 
see the pkgsrc-wip project for most of this).

  Jeremy C. Reed

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