lets chat

illoai at gmail.com illoai at gmail.com
Sun Nov 12 05:31:02 UTC 2006

On 11/11/06, Old Ranger <Ranger at oldpathsbaptistchurch.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Let's chat about AMD64X2 and 6.1 release

I would prefer to chat about intoxication and access
to teh interpipe.

> I wish to dual boot XPPRO with it.

Ergh.  When I had to (just had to) have a sector of
something devoted to something windows it came
down to won98 under qemu.  Dual boot is such a
silly uncompromise, being as how you end up using
the "ohter" (so to speak) operating system (so to speak)
no more than you would if you had grill marks from apple-
bees on your hind quarters.  And, do not get me wrong
(or do, if you are so em-powered), apple-bees are total filth,
but dual boot is like polygamy:  illegal and probably only
partially acceptable in Utah.


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