electronic circuit drawing/simulation

soralx at cydem.org soralx at cydem.org
Wed Apr 12 09:35:03 UTC 2006

A question to the electonics gurus here: what program would you recommend
to use for subj under FreeBSD 5.4-R? I tried 'oregano' from ports -- it'd
be nice if not for its _serious_ buggines (coredumps, shows nonsense
transient analysis, or somitimes none at all, etc) and low functionality

Also, I remember launching some electronic component library editor from
shell accidentally. It was long time ago, and now I can't remember how's
the binary named (could be part of geda, spice, oregano, or something else).
Could someone refresh my memory?

Timestamp: 0x443CC700
[SorAlx]  http://cydem.org.ua/
ridin' VN1500-B2

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