New to the list -- Hiya

Mark Murray markm at
Mon May 9 10:40:05 PDT 2005

Chris writes:
> Looks like I happened smooth up into a pissing match.

Please don't join in.

> About the logo contest:  are they really gonna change it?  I kinda like 
> the daemon logo myself.

YA misundersanding. Please start with the logo contest page, and for your 
first homework, answer the following two questions:

1) What is the difference between the BSD mascot and the FreeBSD logo? 
   (10 marks)

2) Summarise in no more than 20000 words the reasons for choosing a logo, 
   and why this is not a trivial choice to make, taking into account the
   various viewpoints presented over the years in the various *BSD
   discussion areas. Be objective.
   (90 marks)

Mark Murray
iumop ap!sdn w,I idlaH

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