SPAM/virii apparently from freeBSD addresses.

Miguel Mendez flynn at
Mon Mar 1 08:51:06 PST 2004

Moving to chat:

Julian Elischer wrote:
> Somewhere out there there is a ?Virus?/?Hacker?/?Spammer?
> getting really annoying..

It's been quite common for some time for worms/viruses du jour to fake 
from/to. Not that it's not annoying. Two meassures that IMHO could help 
a bit could be:

a) Most people started gpg-signing e-mail by default. (Some FreeBSD 
committers already do that)

b) could publish spf records like some people are already 
doing (.e.g. grog@ does and some others)

c) For those running pf, block on $ext_if from any os "Windows" to 
$ext_ip port = 25 ;-)

	Miguel Mendez <flynn at>
	PGP Key: 0xDC8514F1

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