often do *you* portupgrade(1) ?

Freddie Cash fcash-ml at
Wed Feb 11 15:22:22 PST 2004

On February 11, 2004 03:08 pm, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
> Running a desktop box with a dialup PPP connection
> to the 'Net, my "portupgrade -aRr" tends to take a
> couple of days ....

> I'd taken to dealing with it once a month.

> It occurs to me that it might actually be less
> painful to do it more often ...

> What's your plan?

Do the upgrade in steps.  First, fetch any needed distfiles for all 
updated programs.  Then you can do the actual compiles / upgrades at 
your leisure, without having to be connected.  Run portupgrade twice, 
once with the -F parameter, and once without.

I haven't had to deal with dial-up in awhile, but a few of our remote 
sites only have switched-56K, 64K wireless, or slow 128K ADSL.  Doing 
it this way makes life so much easier for everybody.  I schedule the 
downloads at night, and do the actual updates in the background during 
the day.

I update the ports tree and INDEX files every Tuesday via cron, or 
manually when there's security upgrades involved (freshports is great).  
But, I do all my upgrades manually, only upgrading the bits I want or 
need, and only if there's more than a minor version bump.  I have yet 
to run a portupgrade with -arR.  :)

Of course, these are all production servers, and my work laptop.  :)
Freddie Cash
fcash-ml at

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