RMS says: "Use BSD, for goodness sake!"

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jun 27 22:27:04 PDT 2003

On Friday, 27 June 2003 at 13:45:28 -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
> At 11:24 AM 6/27/2003, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
>> Thank you for using "if".  As much as I dislike copyleft, it's clear
>> (from this thread alone) that moving to a no-copyleft FreeBSD should not
>> be a goal.
> Why do you draw this conclusion? My conclusion, after reading this thread,
> is that FreeBSD must act NOW to remove as much GPLed code as possible
> (hopefully, every shred of it). FreeBSD is now so dangerously dependent
> upon GPLed software that it soon will no longer be able to fufill its role
> as a source of truly free code.

I note that most of the discussion on this topic was by people who are
not central to the FreeBSD project.  As you know, few people are as
zealous as you are about wanting to rid the project of GPL'd code.

> This is, of course, one of Stallman's goals: to infiltrate both
> truly free and commercial software to the point where no operating
> system and no software product is independent of the FSF's
> software. And FreeBSD is falling for the ruse.

If anything, FreeBSD is gradually removing GPLd code where it makes
sense.  IIRC you hadn't noticed when we changed from GNU awk to nawk.

> YES, we absolutely do need to bring older code up to date -- or even
> re-program the wheel if necessary.

We've said it before: provide us with a good replacement and we'll
consider it seriously.  Go ahead.  I would *really* like to see a
replacement for gdb, for example.

> To insist upon blind forward "progress" while the enemy is in fact
> nipping at our flanks is to ensure defeat.  The price of not
> standing up for principle now will be to lose our very REAL freedom
> in exchange for Stallman's false "freedom."

Most people in the FreeBSD project don't see things quite like that.

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