RMS says: "Use BSD, for goodness sake!"

Brett Glass brett at lariat.org
Thu Jun 26 14:12:00 PDT 2003

At 04:28 AM 6/26/2003, Paul Robinson wrote:

>That isn't what he considers the BSDs to be at all. He does however, 
>completely accurately, belive that the BSDs would not be functional without 
>GPL code.

They would be. There's plenty of non-GPLed code available to make them
functional. However, the BSDs have fallen into an unhealthy and
dangerous dependency upon GPLed code.

>Great, so when are you going to re-write gcc then? Make sure it's command 
>line compatible, and we need every command line option to work. And don't 
>forget gdb!

This demonstrates the degree to which FreeBSD in particular has allowed
itself to become dependent upon GPLed code. To require "every command
line option to work" effectively means that there's no escape. Your
project might as well be owned by the FSF, as it is totally dependent
upon it.

>Last night actually, one friend of mine reccomended the project should
>consider re-writing FBSD in Pascal. 

This actually would catch a lot of subtle bugs.


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