Cryptographically enabled ports tree.

Colin Percival colin.percival at
Sat Jun 21 20:52:26 PDT 2003

At 20:36 21/06/2003 -0700, David Schultz wrote:
>On Sun, Jun 22, 2003, Colin Percival wrote:
> >   What we need is something integrated into the CVS system which rebuilds
> > the necessary signatures every time the ports tree is modified, and 
> commits
> > those into the CVS tree.  Any CVS experts around who could say how to do
> > this?
>You don't even have to do that.  The tree just needs to be signed
>once for every release.

   If that's all you want, download the release ISO image; you can verify 
its MD5 hash against the signed announcement, mount the ISO, and install 
the ports tree.

>I don't
>see why people need to update their ports tree more often than
>once a release.

   Well, there are these ugly things called security bugs.

>Granted, anyone who wanted to offer a (less secure) daily port
>tree signing service or something, they could easily do so with
>access to cvsup-master.

   True, but that wouldn't be transparent.  People would have to tell cvsup 
to fetch a particular snapshot of the ports tree, to match the most recent 
signature; much better if they can cvsup as per normal, get the latest 
versions of everything, and have the signature come along automatically.

>   (It used to be you could talk to jdp@ for
>this; I'm not sure who is responsible now.)

   cvsup-master is now owned by kuriyama at .

>   Actually, I'm not
>sure whether cvsup's authentication is one-way or two-way, though.


Colin Percival

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