Congratulations Terry! (was: Re: Meta: explain what where when?)

Mark Linimon linimon at
Fri Jun 20 09:58:33 PDT 2003

> I'll comment: you are obviously not as fanatically dedicated
> to FreeBSD as I am, and you are apparently counting -chat
> postings.

For your second point: it's a simple script and easy to modify,
so the totals without -chat are:

Terry Lambert posted 817 message(s) on 341 thread(s)

(actually this only counts -arch, -current, -hackers, -questions,
-stable; and cross-posts would be counted as duplicates.
I can provide the code to anyone who want to fix that; it was,
after all, a trivial piece of code to implement).

As for your first point: it's true that I <a 
to <a 
certain parts</a>
of FreeBSD that I
<a href="">consider 
of particular interest</a>.


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