Antivirus for (mailservers on) FreeBSD

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Thu Jun 12 19:31:21 PDT 2003

At 10:16 PM -0400 2003/06/12, Bill Moran wrote:

>  Additionally, you want to scan ALL emails for malware, so if something
>  sneaks in off a floppy or something it doesn't run rampant throughout
>  the company email system,


>                            while scanning outgoing emails for spam is
>  simply a waste of CPU cycles.

	False.  You can be held liable (including criminal liability) if 
you could have reasonably prevented something like this, and chose 
not to.  Moreover, the damage to your reputation for being known as 
someone infecting other people with viruses/worms/Trojan 
Horses/etc... could be incalculable.

	What is different about outgoing vs. incoming e-mail, with 
respect to viruses, is that you always want to inform the internal 
person that a message with a suspected virus was found, and you may 
(or may not) want to inform the outside people.  In one case, the 
insiders are the recipients, in the other case, they are the 

	Also, if you catch all outbound e-mail, then you stop virus 
floods before they start (assuming they're recognized).

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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