FreeBSD Version Release numbers

Matthew D. Fuller fullermd at
Tue Jun 10 14:48:16 PDT 2003

On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 10:13:39PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Mark Murray, and lo! it spake thus:
> Sharks aren't the problem, sharks are (in) the solution!

Sharks aren't part of the solution.  Sharks are part of the precipitate

> Shark or Polar-Bear-With-laser? My money is on the bear until I can find
> a way to arm sharks.

And if you figure out a way to arm them, then you should be able to leg
them too, so they can do everything the polar bears can!  More, actually,
since their primitive nervous systems make them less susceptible to
shock, so they can fight longer and harder!

> > Do we have any cybernetic hookups ready yet? It's just I'd like to control 
> > the polar bears with a mixture of FreeBSD, beer and sealions (to eat).
> No pizza, chocolate and popcorn??

Coca-cola.  Polar bears love the stuff.

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fullermd at
Systems/Network Administrator |

"The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
      haven't figured out how to light the middle yet"

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