[Bug 159356] [zfs] [patch] ZFS NAME_ERR_DISKLIKE check is Solaris-specific

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Wed Mar 24 23:44:09 UTC 2021


--- Comment #6 from Dennis Clarke <dclarke at blastwave.org> ---

I have no idea how to create anything in the mystery site that is 
running phabricator.  This thing --> https://reviews.freebsd.org/ .

Therefore I have a real barrier to entry to do anything there.

europa# uname -apKU 
FreeBSD europa 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #2: Tue Mar 23 10:32:37 GMT
2021     root at europa:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC  amd64 amd64
1400006 1400006

europa# zpool create -o cachefile=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache -m none \
> -O compress=zstd -O checksum=sha512 -O atime=on -O xattr=on \
> -o autoexpand=on -o autoreplace=on -o failmode=continue \
> -o listsnaps=on -O dedup=off -O copies=1 -O canmount=off \
> -m none c0ffee mirror ada3p1 ada2p1 
europa# zpool list
c0ffee   464G   176K   464G        -         -     0%     0%  1.00x    ONLINE 
z0      95.5G  18.9G  76.6G        -         -     8%    19%  1.00x    ONLINE 

So there is no issue with a pool name that begins with "c[0-9".

europa# zpool destroy c0ffee

europa# zpool create -o cachefile=/boot/zfs/zpool.cache -m none \
> -O compress=zstd -O checksum=sha512 -O atime=on -O xattr=on \
> -o autoexpand=on -o autoreplace=on -o failmode=continue \
> -o listsnaps=on -O dedup=off -O copies=1 -O canmount=off \
> -m none c0 mirror ada3p1 ada2p1
europa# zpool list
c0     464G   162K   464G        -         -     0%     0%  1.00x    ONLINE  -
z0    95.5G  18.9G  76.6G        -         -     8%    19%  1.00x    ONLINE  -
europa# zfs recv -Fvu c0 < /var/tmp/root/z1_20210323231220.capR
receiving full stream of z1 at 20210301132814 into c0 at 20210301132814
received 46.0K stream in 1 seconds (46.0K/sec)
receiving incremental stream of z1 at 20210311172455 into c0 at 20210311172455
received 312B stream in 1 seconds (312B/sec)
receiving incremental stream of z1 at 20210323231220 into c0 at 20210323231220
received 312B stream in 1 seconds (312B/sec)
receiving full stream of z1/usr at 20210301132814 into c0/usr at 20210301132814
received 46.0K stream in 1 seconds (46.0K/sec)
receiving incremental stream of z1/usr at 20210311172455 into
c0/usr at 20210311172455
received 312B stream in 1 seconds (312B/sec)
receiving full stream of z1/freebsd_src at 20210323231220 into
c0/freebsd_src at 20210323231220
received 3.28G stream in 50 seconds (67.1M/sec)
europa# zfs list -r -t all c0 
NAME                            USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
c0                             12.7G   437G       24K  none
c0 at 20210301132814                 0B      -       24K  -
c0 at 20210311172455                 0B      -       24K  -
c0 at 20210323231220                 0B      -       24K  -
c0/freebsd_src                 2.33G   437G     2.33G  /usr/src
c0/freebsd_src at 20210323231220     0B      -     2.33G  -
c0/opt                         6.35G   437G     8.40M  /opt
c0/opt at 20200930084425            28K      -     8.28M  -
c0/opt at 20200930093340            28K      -     8.28M  -
c0/opt at 20201219110739           123K      -     8.41M  -
c0/opt at 20210117031410           123K      -     8.41M  -
c0/opt at 20210121200001           125K      -     8.40M  -
c0/opt at 20210130051352           124K      -     8.40M  -
c0/opt at 20210220023743           124K      -     8.40M  -
c0/opt at 20210301132814           123K      -     8.40M  -
c0/opt at 20210311172455           124K      -     8.40M  -
c0/opt at 20210315070355           123K      -     8.39M  -
c0/opt at 20210323231220             0B      -     8.40M  -
c0/opt/bw                      6.32G   437G     6.09G  /opt/bw
c0/opt/bw at 20200930084425          0B      -     1.52G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20200930093340          0B      -     1.52G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20201219110739       5.66M      -     1.75G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210117031410        212K      -     4.16G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210117194637        154K      -     4.16G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210121200001       10.7M      -     4.16G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210130051352       10.8M      -     4.16G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210220023743       10.7M      -     4.16G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210301132814       71.9M      -     4.54G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210311172455       18.0M      -     6.09G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210315070355       18.0M      -     6.09G  -
c0/opt/bw at 20210323231220          0B      -     6.09G  -
c0/test                          36K   437G       36K  /var/tmp/test
c0/test at 20210323231220            0B      -       36K  -
c0/usr                         4.00G   437G       24K  none
c0/usr at 20210301132814             0B      -       24K  -
c0/usr at 20210311172455             0B      -       24K  -
c0/usr at 20210323231220             0B      -       24K  -
c0/usr/home                    4.00G   437G     3.01G  /usr/home
c0/usr/home at 20200930084425     52.5K      -      569M  -
c0/usr/home at 20200930093340     53.5K      -      569M  -
c0/usr/home at 20201219110740     3.32M      -     2.81G  -
c0/usr/home at 20210117031410     4.04M      -     2.89G  -
c0/usr/home at 20210121200001     4.08M      -     2.89G  -
c0/usr/home at 20210130051352     4.07M      -     2.89G  -
c0/usr/home at 20210220023743      160K      -     2.89G  -
c0/usr/home at 20210301132814      161K      -     2.88G  -
c0/usr/home at 20210311172455     3.88M      -     2.88G  -
c0/usr/home at 20210323231220        0B      -     3.01G  -
europa# zpool status c0
  pool: c0
 state: ONLINE

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        c0          ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            ada3p1  ONLINE       0     0     0
            ada2p1  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
europa# zpool scrub c0 
europa# zpool status c0
  pool: c0
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:03:57 with 0 errors on Wed Mar 24 00:48:42 2021

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        c0          ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            ada3p1  ONLINE       0     0     0
            ada2p1  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

Seems to all be wonderful.

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