login.conf does not work if tcsh but works if csh.

Le Baron d'Merde lebarondemerde at gmx.com
Sun Jul 9 06:45:41 UTC 2017



I am experiencing a weird behavior with tcsh (and csh).

I had to set up my LOCALE in the .tcshrc when I installed the system, because it didn't work in /etc/login.conf neither in ~/login_conf, normal user and root.

These days I come back to investigate why it was not working and after several changes I found out it works if the login shell is /bin/sh.

Then, I also tried /usr/local/bin/bash and worked, and then worked with /bin/csh. :confused:

During that process I noticed different colors when editing the ~/login_conf file while the login shell was tcsh.


For some reason, when the login shell is tcsh the settings in login.conf and ~/login_conf with different color are ignored. I changed the order of the settings to confirm that.

So, I changed the login shell to csh but kept the .tcshrc file(s) intact, for normal user and root, what worked normally.

Later I renamed the files to .cshrc, and did a "fix" in the keybinds parameters:


if ( $?tcsh ) then
            bindkey "^[Od"        backward-word        # rxvt
            bindkey "^[Oc"        forward-word        # rxvt
            bindkey    "\e[2~"        overwrite-mode
            bindkey    "\e[3~"        delete-char
            bindkey    "\e[1;5C"    forward-word
            bindkey    "\e[1;5D"    backward-word
            bindkey    "\e[5~"        history-search-backward
            bindkey    "\e[6~"        history-search-forward
            bindkey    "^W"        backward-delete-word


Changing "if ( $?tcsh ) then" to "if ( $?csh ) then". And so, forward-word and backward-word stopped working. I use x11/rxvt-unicode. I do not have idea why, neither if it should be expected.

Any idea of what is going on, or if it should be reported as a bug or something?

Thank you.

Best Regards.

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