misc/172440: [patch] [build] fix broken CTFCONVERT_CMD call

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at xcllnt.net
Sun Oct 7 16:14:20 UTC 2012

On Oct 7, 2012, at 1:48 AM, Garrett Cooper <yanegomi at gmail.com> wrote:

> <fix-MAKE_VERSION-nul-CTFCONVERT_CMD-check.patch.txt>

Please don't use WITH_BMAKE. It's only added for handling
the switch. The option will be removed soon.

BTW: Isn't it easier to introduce a CC_CMD variable that
contains at least the compile command and to which you can
append any commands you want?

Not only does that eliminate the problem at hand, it also
makes the whole think a lot less like a one-off hack, and
more like a fundamental feature.

Other things we may want to do after we compile a file is
generate API/ABI information that we can validate so that
we can fail the build when some code change breaks the ABI
or API.


Marcel Moolenaar
marcel at xcllnt.net

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