bin/154949: Small patch to release Makefile

Doug Barton dougb at
Mon Feb 21 22:20:11 UTC 2011

>Number:         154949
>Category:       bin
>Synopsis:       Small patch to release Makefile
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Feb 21 22:20:10 UTC 2011
>Originator:     Doug Barton
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE i386
	When logging the build of a release the lines in this part of
	the Makefile get echo'ed to the log which makes it a bit
	confusing to simple minds like mine. :)

	There is no reason I can see not to mask these lines, so
	here you go.


	Apply the following patch:

Index: release/Makefile
--- release/Makefile	(revision 218688)
+++ release/Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -550,45 +550,45 @@
 	# Don't remove this, or the build will fall over!
-	echo "export RELEASEDIR=${_R}"		>> ${_MK}
-	echo "export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:${LOCALDIR}"	>> ${_MK}
-	echo "export MANBUILDCAT=YES"		>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "export RELEASEDIR=${_R}"		>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:${LOCALDIR}"	>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "export MANBUILDCAT=YES"		>> ${_MK}
 	# NB: these may fail if the host is running w/o devfs
-	echo "umount /dev >/dev/null 2>&1 || true" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "mount -t devfs devfs /dev >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"	>> ${_MK}
-	echo "if [ ! -c /dev/null ]; then" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	echo /dev/null is not a device!" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	exit 1" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "fi" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "if [ -x /etc/rc.d/ldconfig ]; then" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	/etc/rc.d/ldconfig start"	>> ${_MK}
-	echo "else"				>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	ldconfig /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib || true" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "fi"				>> ${_MK}
-	echo "if [ ! -f /tmp/.world_done ]; then" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	cd /usr/src"			>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	${CROSSMAKE} ${WORLD_FLAGS} -DNO_CLEAN buildworld && \\" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	touch /tmp/.world_done || exit 1" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "fi"				>> ${_MK}
-	echo "if [ ! -f /tmp/.skip_ports_index ]; then" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	echo \">>> make index started on \`LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT date\`\"" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	for i in ${MAKEINDEXPORTS}"	>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	do"			>> ${_MK}
-	echo "		cd /usr/ports/\$${i}"	>> ${_MK}
-	echo "		make all install clean BATCH=yes FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "	done"				>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	cd /usr/ports"			>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	rm -f INDEX*"			>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	make index -DINDEX_PRISTINE"	>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	rm -f INDEX*.tmp"		>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	touch /tmp/.skip_ports_index"	>> ${_MK}
-	echo "	echo \">>> make index finished on \`LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT date\`\"" >> ${_MK}
-	echo "fi"				>> ${_MK}
-	echo "cd /usr/src/release"		>> ${_MK}
-	echo "make obj"				>> ${_MK}
-	echo "make \$${_RELTARGET}"		>> ${_MK}
-	echo "echo \">>> make ${.TARGET} for ${TARGET} finished on \`LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT date\`\"" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "umount /dev >/dev/null 2>&1 || true" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "mount -t devfs devfs /dev >/dev/null 2>&1 || true"	>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "if [ ! -c /dev/null ]; then" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	echo /dev/null is not a device!" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	exit 1" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "fi" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "if [ -x /etc/rc.d/ldconfig ]; then" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	/etc/rc.d/ldconfig start"	>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "else"				>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	ldconfig /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib || true" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "fi"				>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "if [ ! -f /tmp/.world_done ]; then" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	cd /usr/src"			>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	${CROSSMAKE} ${WORLD_FLAGS} -DNO_CLEAN buildworld && \\" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	touch /tmp/.world_done || exit 1" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "fi"				>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "if [ ! -f /tmp/.skip_ports_index ]; then" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	echo \">>> make index started on \`LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT date\`\"" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	for i in ${MAKEINDEXPORTS}"	>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	do"			>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "		cd /usr/ports/\$${i}"	>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "		make all install clean BATCH=yes FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	done"				>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	cd /usr/ports"			>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	rm -f INDEX*"			>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	make index -DINDEX_PRISTINE"	>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	rm -f INDEX*.tmp"		>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	touch /tmp/.skip_ports_index"	>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "	echo \">>> make index finished on \`LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT date\`\"" >> ${_MK}
+	@echo "fi"				>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "cd /usr/src/release"		>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "make obj"				>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "make \$${_RELTARGET}"		>> ${_MK}
+	@echo "echo \">>> make ${.TARGET} for ${TARGET} finished on \`LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT date\`\"" >> ${_MK}
 	chmod 755 ${_MK}
 .if defined(NOPORTS)
 	touch ${CHROOTDIR}/tmp/.skip_ports_index


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