misc/152296: wrong message when trying to checkout using old repository path

arundel at FreeBSD.org arundel at FreeBSD.org
Thu Nov 18 17:15:35 UTC 2010

Synopsis: wrong message when trying to checkout using old repository path

State-Changed-From-To: open->suspended
State-Changed-By: arundel
State-Changed-When: Thu Nov 18 16:58:58 UTC 2010
I'm very sorry for handling this PR inappropriatly. Somehow I was under the
impression that we had a version of svn in the base tree. However that is not
the case!
I think marking this as suspended is the best option for now, since there
was no patch attached to correct svn's handling of the wrong URL.
Since the svn port seems to get updated very regularly we can assume that the
development version of svn is still containing this issue. If somebody wants to
provide a patch we could try convincing the svn developers to push it upstream
in order to have it in one of the next svn releases and thus ports.
A different approach would be to add a local ports patch to

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-ports
Responsible-Changed-By: arundel
Responsible-Changed-When: Thu Nov 18 16:58:58 UTC 2010
This is a ports related PR.


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