bin/139146: gcc(1): gcc -m32 doesn't quite work

arundel at arundel at
Thu Aug 19 21:38:23 UTC 2010

Synopsis: gcc(1): gcc -m32 doesn't quite work

State-Changed-From-To: open->suspended
State-Changed-By: arundel
State-Changed-When: Thu Aug 19 21:19:26 UTC 2010
Judging from the various threads on freebsd-amd64@, fixing this issue is non-
trivial and requires some fundamental changes to gcc's include and linker search
Petter Wemm provided a patch in [1], but at the same time states that the patch
doesn't fix the issue properly. Apart from him most of the developers seem to
have abandoned the idea of fixing/discussing this issue:

"Short summary: it never worked and will not work unless some non-trivial work
is put into how GCC handles include and linker search paths." - Alexander Kabaev

Thus suspend this PR for now.

Everyone is welcome to work on this problem. However please gather information
from the various freebsd mailinglists dealing with this issue BEFORE creating a
new thread, unless you are prepared to making new enemies. ;)


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