xterm dumps core (since version 219)

Paul Schenkeveld fb-bugs at psconsult.nl
Mon Oct 16 05:45:59 PDT 2006


Ever since I first portupgraded xterm to a version above 218 it dumps
core on every invocation.  Googling around shows nothing related so I
figured it had to do something with my specific setup.

After starting out with a clean environment and empty $HOME I added
variables and files until I found out that the problem is caused by
a particular echo command in my .kshrc:

    echo -e "\033]10;$bgcolor\007\c"

which sets the terminal background color to a certain color telling me
on which computer I am.

The current version of ctlseqs.txt does no longer describe the
OSC 10; <bgcolor> ST and OSC 11; <fgcolor> ST sequences.  Does this
mean they are no longer supported or am I just looking at a bug here?

Paul Schenkeveld, Consultant
PSconsult ICT Services BV

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