misc/94845: fortune seems to select 0 a lot

Steve Watt steve at Watt.COM
Wed Mar 22 22:00:32 UTC 2006

>Number:         94845
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       fortune seems to select 0 a lot
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Mar 22 22:00:30 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Steve Watt
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE i386
Watt Consultants
System: FreeBSD wattres.Watt.COM 6.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE #0: Fri Mar 17 23:50:45 PST 2006 root at wattres.Watt.COM:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/WATTRES i386


It appears that fortune misbehaves, and often produces no output, or the
first fortune in the datfile.  See sample run below.  Of the 30 seconds
worth of fortunes, I got 7 blank, and 5 first fortune.


bash-2.05b$ while :; do date; fortune all; sleep 1; done
Wed Mar 22 13:53:29 PST 2006
        Some 1500 miles west of the Big Apple we find the Minneapple, a
haven of tranquility in troubled times.  It's a good town, a civilized town.
A town where they still know how to get your shirts back by Thursday.  Let
the Big Apple have the feats of "Broadway Joe" Namath.  We have known the
stolid but steady Killebrew.  Listening to Cole Porter over a dry martini
may well suit those unlucky enough never to have heard the Whoopee John Polka
Band and never to have shared a pitcher of 3.2 Grain Belt Beer.  The loss is
theirs.  And the Big Apple has yet to bake the bagel that can match peanut
butter on lefse.  Here is a town where the major urban problem is dutch elm
disease and the number one crime is overtime parking.  We boast more theater
per capita than the Big Apple.  We go to see, not to be seen.  We go even
when we must shovel ten inches of snow from the driveway to get there.  Indeed
the winters are fierce.  But then comes the marvel of the Minneapple summer.
People flock to the city's lakes to frolic and rejoice at the sight of so
much happy humanity free from the bonds of the traditional down-filled parka.
Here's to the Minneapple.  And to its people.  Our flair for style is balanced
by a healthy respect for wind chill factors.
        And we always, always eat our vegetables.
        This is the Minneapple.
Wed Mar 22 13:53:30 PST 2006
Dianetics is a milestone for man comparable to his discovery of
fire and superior to his invention of the wheel and the arch.
                -- L. Ron Hubbard
Wed Mar 22 13:53:31 PST 2006
A Law of Computer Programming:
        Make it possible for programmers to write in English
        and you will find that programmers cannot write in English.
Wed Mar 22 13:53:32 PST 2006
This fortune brought to you by:
$FreeBSD: src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2,v 2005/12/05 22:35:37 wilko Exp $
Wed Mar 22 13:53:33 PST 2006
Wed Mar 22 13:53:35 PST 2006
The Official Colorado State Vegetable is now the "state legislator".
Wed Mar 22 13:53:36 PST 2006
There was a young girl of Pitlochry
Who was had by a man in a rockery.
        She said, "Oh! You've come
        All over my bum;
This isn't a fuck -- it's a mockery."
Wed Mar 22 13:53:37 PST 2006
Wed Mar 22 13:53:38 PST 2006
This fortune brought to you by:
$FreeBSD: src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2,v 2005/12/05 22:35:37 wilko Exp $
Wed Mar 22 13:53:39 PST 2006
If a straight line fit is required, obtain only two
data points.
Wed Mar 22 13:53:40 PST 2006
Wed Mar 22 13:53:41 PST 2006
Military secrets are the most fleeting of all.
                -- Spock, "The Enterprise Incident", stardate 5027.4
Wed Mar 22 13:53:42 PST 2006
Wed Mar 22 13:53:43 PST 2006
This fortune brought to you by:
$FreeBSD: src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2,v 2005/12/05 22:35:37 wilko Exp $
Wed Mar 22 13:53:44 PST 2006
Isn't it interesting that the same people who laugh at science fiction
listen to weather forecasts and economists?
                -- Kelvin Throop III
Wed Mar 22 13:53:45 PST 2006
The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being
as his Father, in the womb of a virgin will be classified with the fable of
the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.  But we may hope that the
dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with
this artificial scaffolding and restore to us the primitive and genuine
doctrines of this most venerated Reformer of human errors.
                -- Thomas Jefferson
Wed Mar 22 13:53:46 PST 2006
Insufficient facts always invite danger.
                -- Spock, "Space Seed", stardate 3141.9
Wed Mar 22 13:53:47 PST 2006
I remember once being on a station platform in Cleveland at four in the
morning.  A black porter was carrying my bags, and as we were waiting for
the train to come in, he said to me: "Excuse me, Mr. Cooke, I don't want to
invade your privacy, but I have a bet with a friend of mine.  Who composed
the opening theme music of 'Omnibus'?  My friend said Virgil Thomson."  I
asked him, "What do you say?" He replied, "I say Aaron Copeland." I said,
"You're right."  The porter said,  "I knew Thomson doesn't write counterpoint
that way."  I told that to a network president, and he was deeply unimpressed.
                -- Alistair Cooke
Wed Mar 22 13:53:48 PST 2006
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.  It knows it must run faster
than the fastest lion or it will be killed.  Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle: when the sun comes
up, you'd better be running.
Wed Mar 22 13:53:49 PST 2006
Worst Month of the Year:
        February.  February has only 28 days in it, which means that if
        you rent an apartment, you are paying for three full days you
        don't get.  Try to avoid Februarys whenever possible.
                -- Steve Rubenstein
Wed Mar 22 13:53:50 PST 2006
This fortune brought to you by:
$FreeBSD: src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2,v 2005/12/05 22:35:37 wilko Exp $
Wed Mar 22 13:53:51 PST 2006
I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in
my body.  Then I realized who was telling me this.
                -- Emo Phillips
Wed Mar 22 13:53:52 PST 2006
IN MY OPINION anyone interested in improving himself should not rule out
becoming pure energy.
                -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
Wed Mar 22 13:53:53 PST 2006
Wed Mar 22 13:53:54 PST 2006
Wed Mar 22 13:53:55 PST 2006
This fortune brought to you by:
$FreeBSD: src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2,v 2005/12/05 22:35:37 wilko Exp $
Wed Mar 22 13:53:56 PST 2006
Delay not, Caesar.  Read it instantly.
                -- Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar" 3,1

Here is a letter, read it at your leisure.
                -- Shakespeare, "Merchant of Venice" 5,1

        [Quoted in "VMS Internals and Data Structures", V4.4, when
         referring to I/O system services.]
Wed Mar 22 13:53:57 PST 2006
Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.
                -- Woody Allen, "Annie Hall"
Wed Mar 22 13:53:58 PST 2006
Wed Mar 22 13:53:59 PST 2006
Just because they are called 'forbidden' transitions does not mean that they
are forbidden.  They are less allowed than allowed transitions, if you see
what I mean.
                -- From a Part 2 Quantum Mechanics lecture.




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