bin/81757: realtime processes are not marked with '<' in ps(1) output.

Bruce Evans bde at
Wed Jun 1 19:36:52 PDT 2005

On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, trasz wrote:

>> Description:
>      manual page for ps(1) reads '<       The process has raised CPU scheduling priority.'.  however, if a process has a realtime priority, it's not marked with '<' in STAT column.

'<' currently only applies to niced processes.  I think there should
be different indicators for realtime and idle priority and other
scheduling classes.

In top(1), scheduling classes are supposed to be encoded as fake
nice values and a single indicator almost works since the indicator is
numeric so it can indicate the scheduling class; however, the encoding
is limited and broken; a non-numeric indicator of the class combined
with a shorter numeric indicator of the the priority within the class
might be better.


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