gzip uncompression failure

nocturnal at swehack.se nocturnal at swehack.se
Sat Jul 16 20:52:59 GMT 2005

This only happens to me with a copy of the latest 4.1p1 tar.gz archive of
openssh, i fear it might be something wrong with zlib and bsd tar but i'm
not sure so i'll let you guys handle it.

One thing thats different from the openssh archive file is something
called a "extra filed" which the file command says when using it on the
archive file. None of my other archives have this, at least not the ones i
tried on. I get "tar: gzip decompression failed" when trying to uncompress
it using tar with the xvzf arguments. If i gunzip it first and then untar
it then all is fine, same goes for the bz2 archive says a guy in ##freebsd
on freenode.

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