misc/75842: valid, but double, fstab mount-point entries ignored by mount -a at boot time.

Dirk-Willem van Gulik dirkx at webweaving.org
Tue Jan 4 23:30:31 PST 2005

>Number:         75842
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       valid, but double, fstab mount-point entries ignored by mount -a at boot time.
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Jan 05 07:30:30 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Dirk-Willem van Gulik
>Release:        5.3
Stichting Wireless Leiden
FreeBSD kobus.cnodelcpl.wleiden.net 5.3-STABLE FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE #2: Wed Jan  5 00:45:11 CET 2005     root at kobus.cnodelcpl.wleiden.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KOBUS  i386
mount -a ignores the second (or third) entry for a given mountpoint at boot time. Which seems sensible - but I found the following situation where that is in fact needed:

When using jails it is often desirable to give each jail a virtual playground - rather than a real '/' as to safe replicating a '/' for every jail. This can be accomplished by using a unionfs over a read-only root and overlaying it with a small partition which can be read/write. This partition can also be a disk image or a swap/memory backed image.

However this means listing the partition twice in the /etc/fstab file. 

And for some reason a mount at boot time ignores this.

Create a file backed disk with

  mkdir -p /usr/tmp
  dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/tmp/md.fs bs=1k count=5k
  N=`mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /usr/tmp/md.fs`
  bsdlabel -w /dev/$N auto
  newfs /dev/$N\c
  mount /dev/$N\c /mnt

create a read only version of some random partition/directory

  mkdir /sys-ro
  mount_nullfs -o ro /sys /sys-ro

and mount this cross the writable virtual disk
  mount_unionfs -r /sys-ro /mnt

Check that it works. Unount it all 

  umount /mnt
  umount /sys-ro
  umount /mnt  # remember - need to do this TWICE

and add to /etc/fstab (mount -p should work but it does not - see PR 75585) the following:

md /mnt mfs rw,-F/usr/tmp/md.fs 0 0
/sys /sys-ro nullfs ro 0 0
/sys-ro /mnt unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b 0 0

then do 'mount -a' to check and then REBOOT to observe it missing the second /mnt entry. Manual mounts are still fine.

A more complete/realistic/useful test is below.

Create a set of file backed disks with:
mkdir -p $DIR
for i in 130 131 132 333 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
        dd if=/dev/zero of=$DIR/mdimage.$i.fs bs=1k count=5k
        D=`mdconfig -a -t vnode -f $DIR/mdimage.$i.fs`
        bsdlabel -w /dev/$D auto
        newfs /dev/$D\c

Then add the following to fstab to get these mounted at boot time.

md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.130.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.131.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.132.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.133.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.134.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.135.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.136.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.137.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.138.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.139.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.140.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.141.fs   0 0
md                      /usr/      mfs     rw,-F/usr/mdfs/mdimage.142.fs   0 0

Next create a jail-base - and overlay it so that it can be mounted read-only later. add the following to ./etc/fstab:

/usr/jail-base          /usr/jail-base-ro       nullfs  ro       0 0

Next add the following to fstab to make an overlay for the read only jail

/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/   unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/   unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/   unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0

And then add the following to your rc.conf



jail_list="130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142"

jail_130_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_130_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_130_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_130_devfs_ruleset="130"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_130_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_130_hostname="j-130.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_130_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_131_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_131_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_131_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_131_devfs_ruleset="131"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_131_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_131_hostname="j-131.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_131_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_132_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_132_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_132_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_132_devfs_ruleset="132"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_132_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_132_hostname="j-132.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_132_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_133_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_133_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_133_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_133_devfs_ruleset="133"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_133_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_133_hostname="j-133.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_133_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_134_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_134_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_134_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_134_devfs_ruleset="134"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_134_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_134_hostname="j-134.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_134_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_135_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_135_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_135_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_135_devfs_ruleset="135"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_135_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_135_hostname="j-135.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_135_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_136_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_136_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_136_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_136_devfs_ruleset="136"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_136_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_136_hostname="j-136.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_136_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_137_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_137_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_137_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_137_devfs_ruleset="137"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_137_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_137_hostname="j-137.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_137_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_138_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_138_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_138_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_138_devfs_ruleset="138"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_138_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_138_hostname="j-138.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_138_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_139_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_139_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_139_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_139_devfs_ruleset="139"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_139_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_139_hostname="j-139.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_139_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_140_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_140_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_140_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_140_devfs_ruleset="140"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_140_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_140_hostname="j-140.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_140_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_141_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_141_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_141_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_141_devfs_ruleset="141"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_141_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_141_hostname="j-141.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_141_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

jail_142_devfs_enable="YES"                     # mount devfs in the jail
jail_142_descfs_enable="YES"            # mount fdescfs in the jail
jail_142_procfs_enable="YES"            # mount procfs in jail
jail_142_devfs_ruleset="142"            # devfs ruleset to apply to jail
jail_142_rootdir="/usr/"   # Jail's root directory
jail_142_hostname="j-142.wleiden.net"           # Jail's hostname
jail_142_ip=""             # Jail's IP number

mount manually or 'fool' -a by using a symlink. 

In the above example:

   ln -s /mnt /mnt-fake

and then change the last fstab entry into 

  /sys-ro /mnt-fake unionfs rw,nocluserw,-b 0 0

Or for the full example do the same and then change:

/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0
/usr/jail-base-ro       /usr/    unionfs rw,noclusterw,-b        0 0


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