bin/85011: /sbin/restore on 5.4 will not read Solaris-sparc dumps, whereas 4.x restore will

Ted Nolan Ted.Nolan at
Wed Aug 24 07:15:55 GMT 2005

In message <200508201127.j7KBRWxW071121 at>you write:
>Synopsis: /sbin/restore on 5.4 will not read Solaris-sparc dumps, whereas 4.x 
>restore will
>State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
>State-Changed-By: glebius
>State-Changed-When: Sat Aug 20 11:26:16 GMT 2005
>Some changes to re-add support for old tapes were commited
>to 5-STABLE _after_ 5.4-RELEASE.
>Can you please update your system and say whether SunOS
>tapes are readable in 5.4-STABLE?


I'm afraid I can't upgrade my system at this time.  However, I have
downloaded the ssbin source code from a stable snapshot:

(This site suggested in the handbook)

extracting the sbin/dump and sbin/restore src directories, and compiling
on my 5.4-RELEASE machine appears to work, and produces a binary:

cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c main.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c interactive.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c restore.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c dirs.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c symtab.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c tape.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c utilities.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE  -c /usr/home/ted/stable/sbin/restore/../dump/dumprmt.c
cc -O -pipe  -DRRESTORE   -o restore main.o interactive.o restore.o dirs.o symtab.o tape.o utilities.o dumprmt.o 
gzip -cn restore.8 > restore.8.gz

But the binary fails in the same way as the original 5.4-RELEASE binary:
%./restore if ~/root.dump
Tape is not a dump tape

whereas copying a 4.x binary to the 5.4-RELEASE system works:

%restore4 if ~/root.dump
Note: Doing Quad swapping
restore > ls
.TTauthority     adrg             kernel/          proc/
.Xauthority      bin              lib              projects/
.cshrc           cdrom/           lost+found/      sbin/
.dt/             core             mirror/          tmp/
.dtprofile       dev/             mnt/             usr/
.java/           devices/         net/             var/
.lsof_solabel10  etc/             netwars          vol/
.rhosts          export/          opt/             www/
.ssh/            home/            overflow/        xfn/
TT_DB/           home.local       platform/

restore > quit

				Ted Nolan

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