bin/63718: lptcontrol.c has unused PATH_LPCTL definition.

Gary W. Swearingen underway at
Thu Mar 4 09:11:20 PST 2004

Thanks Bruce.  Some of that went over my head, but here's a
replacement patch that seems to work.  (My use of the stock lptcontrol
was giving "lptcontrol: open: Device busy" which the patch fixes.)  I
slipped in an improvement (?) to the "usage" string.

I tested (?) it by "making" it an running the new program without
error, but I know of no way to determine whether it actually changed
lpt0's mode.

I'll file another PR on the manpage's FILES section later.

--- lptcontrol.c.orig	Sat May  3 14:06:37 2003
+++ lptcontrol.c	Thu Mar  4 09:06:06 2004
@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@
 #include <sys/types.h>
-#define PATH_LPCTL	_PATH_DEV "lpctl"
-#define DEFAULT_DEVICE	_PATH_DEV "lpt0"
+#define DEFAULT_DEVICE	_PATH_DEV "lpt0.ctl"
 #define IRQ_INVALID	-1
 #define DO_POLL		0
 #define USE_IRQ		1
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@
 static void usage(void)
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: lptcontrol -i | -p | -s | -e [-d device]\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "usage: lptcontrol -i | -p | -s | -e [-d lpt-control-device]\n");

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