This is a recording... [Re: Re: conf/60106: /etc/hosts mentions AfriNIC which does not exist yet]

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at
Tue Dec 9 23:40:30 PST 2003

Je suis absent jusqu'au 16 decembre 2003

I'm away until 16 december 2003

Votre message concernant :

Your message regarding:

Re: conf/60106: /etc/hosts mentions AfriNIC which does not exist yet

a ete soigneusement garde et sera lu a mon retour. Promis.

has been neatly kept and will be read when I come back. I
swear it.

Pour toute question technique concernant l'AFNIC/le domaine .fr, ecrire a :
For every technical question regarding AFNIC/.fr, write to:

hostmaster at

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For registration in .fr, write to:

nic at

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For every question regarding Generic NIC, write to:

nicgen at

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