Report problem: FreeBSD 8 in Sun 480R

fernando ajenjo fajenjo at
Wed Jan 20 10:42:09 UTC 2010

Hello, FreeBSD team, I downloaded the FreeBSD version 8 SPARC for
installation on Sun 480R, and I installed in this old machine without any
problem. I restarted the system and no problem. I configured the Casini´s
nics devices and I included in the rc.conf for start. I pinging to some
internet directions and no problem. I surf through the Internet, or restart
networking configuration too; and the system crash immediately. I probed in
two different machines Sun 480R and I have the same problem. 


Example (make in any port, for example “wget” compile):

=> Attempting to fetch from

wget-1.11.4.tar.bz2                             0% of  932 kB   22 kBps


ERROR: System "FATAL RESET" from  CPU0


And it said this:


System State (CPU2 reporting)


CPU0 Config/Control/Status registers:


  CPUVersion:  003e.0015.2200.0507

  SafConfig:   0caa.01bc.0001.0002

  SafBaseAdr:  0000.0400.0000.0000

  DCacheCtl:   0000.0000.0000.0000

  ECacheCtl:   0000.0000.0309.4400

  ECErrEnable: 0000.0000.0000.000b


  AFAR:        0000.07fc.0020.2050

  AFSR:        0008.0000.0000.0000 PERR

  AFAR 2:      0000.07fc.0020.2050

  AFSR 2:      0008.0000.0000.0000 PERR


  DMMU SFAR:   0000.0000.c9e2.c000

  DMMU SFSR:   0000.0000.0004.8028 TM CT1 PR

  IMMU SFSR:   0000.0000.0080.8000 TM


CPU0 Trap registers:  Trap Level = 5


  TL=1 TT:     0000.0000.0000.0141

       TSTATE: 0000.0000.0000.1200 XCC:(clear) ICC:(clear) MM=TSO PEF IE

       TPC:    0000.0000.4058.1444

       TnPC:   0000.0000.4058.1448

  TL=2 TT:     0000.0000.0000.00c0

       TSTATE: 0000.0000.1d00.1600 XCC:(clear) ICC:(clear) MM=TSO PEF PRIV

       TPC:    0000.0000.c016.8430

       TnPC:   0000.0000.c016.8434

  TL=3 TT:     0000.0000.0000.0068

       TSTATE: 0000.0044.1000.1500 XCC:Z ICC:Z MM=TSO PEF PRIV AG

       TPC:    0000.0000.c007.d904

       TnPC:   0000.0000.c007.d908

  TL=4 TT:     0000.0000.0000.0068

       TSTATE: 0000.0044.5804.1400 XCC:Z ICC:Z MM=TSO PEF PRIV

       TPC:    0000.0000.c007.8d34

       TnPC:   0000.0000.c007.8d38

 *TL=5 TT:     0000.0000.0000.0001

       TSTATE: 0000.0044.1d00.1607 XCC:Z ICC:Z MM=TSO PEF PRIV IE

       TPC:    0000.0000.0000.0000

       TnPC:   0000.0000.0000.0004


Then it is restarted.



Best regards.


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